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  • Saturday Mar 15

    Sent home to parents $5.00
    & to Solomon & Priskas 2.50 each

    Met Beite & her new husband
    at Breindel’s and spent the
    remainder of the evening at
    Brother Rothblums house in E.N.Y.
    making new aquaintances
    especially that of a [pretty] girl who is
    unusually gifted with knowledge

    It was indeed not at all a burden
    for me to take her home from the
    farthest point in Brooklyn to the
    farthest point in the Bronx, our
    conversation was a varied one
    being that of music, arts, business
    etc, and she certainly made a
    hit with me, she is not of that too naive
    kind but shrewed and clever.

    I reached home at 5 a.m.


    Matt’s Notes

    Six weeks earlier, a woman Papa hadn’t seen for eight years approached him on the BMT from Brooklyn to Manhattan and confessed her love for him — fruitlessly so, for she was also engaged to be married. Though fate had denied her to him, he grabbed her for one impossibly melodramatic kiss before they reached their destinations. “If I had only known,” he wrote in his diary that night.

    And now, another romantic, cinematic sequence aboard the BMT: Papa offers to escort the young woman to the subway and ride with her into Manhattan. He looks sharp and handsome; she’s happy to accept.

    photo of papa in a sharp hat

    As they cross the Williamsburg bridge, he tells her how his cousin Breindel, who he had seen in the early part of the evening, met him and his sister Clara when they arrived at Ellis Island in 1913.

    At the Canal Street BMT stop, just a few block from his home, he walks her to the Broadway IRT; the train pulls up, and, impulsively, he jumps on board with her. If this were a silent movie, the title card might read:

    Cupid's arrow finds its mark

    The long ride up through Manhattan begins. Every few stops she assures him he does not have to see her home, but each time he tells her it’s his pleasure, he’s enjoying their talk, it’s getting late and she shouldn’t be alone, he wants to hear what she has to say. She asks him why he calls their mutual friend Rothblum his “brother,” and he explains that they are lodge brothers in the Order Sons of Zion.

    He will not budge, so transfixed is he by her face

    Finally, the subway emerges from under ground and becomes an elevated train at 161st street. Papa leans in close to point out Yankee Stadium, promises to take her to a game some day.

    photo of Yankee Stadium

    Only a few stops left now: Mt. Eden, 176th, Burnside, 183rd, Fordham Road, Kingsbridge Road. Finally, with the hour nearing 4:00 AM, she gets out at Mosholu Parkway. Perhaps she declines his offer to walk her to her door, a final treat she’ll save for another time.

    photo of IRT map

    He relives every moment of their ride on the way back, each stop reminds him of the way she turned her head, laughed, accidentally brushed her hand against his, impressed him with her strong opinions, her command of facts.

    lost in his new memories, he nearly misses his stop

    When he emerges onto the street, the sky is already a light purple. The streets are mostly empty. It is Sunday. The air is fresh and cool.

    and so the world welcomes a new day.  But what dawns for him?


    Image sources:

  • Tuesday July 1



    Matt’s Notes

    Papa was still on a forced break from work due to his factory’s “slack season,” and he never enjoyed idleness. I wonder, too, if the ongoing stasis at the Democratic Convention, delivered through his radio in all its grinding detail, had started to affect his mood.

    The New York Times characterized the convention galleries as in a “deep depression” expressed “through the afternoon by a curious lowing noise.” Granted, the Times writer may have just needed some sort of hook for yet another article about a convention that was supposed to have adjourned a week earlier, but the proceedings probably felt genuinely boring after the previous days’ ballot swings and delegate-on-delegate fisticuffs.

    Meanwhile, some other New York Times headlines that might have caught Papa’s eye as he listened to the Convention included:

    • NEW LAW TIGHTENS CONTROL OF AUTOS; Every Motorist in State Must Be Examined for a License Before Oct. 1. – Up until now, New York State had not required automobile drivers to carry a license. Other provisions of the law decreed “brakes and steering mechanism must be in good order and a suitable horn must be provided”; “a muffler must be used”; “two white headlights of twenty-one candlepower each must be carried on all vehicles”; “all motor vehicles carrying ten or more passengers must have fire extinguishers”; and “trucks must have a mirror adjusted to give a view of the traffic in the rear.” Does that last requirement imply that most cars in 1924 were operating without rear-view mirrors?
    • CELEBRATE OPENING OF SUBWAY LINK; Civic and City Officials Ride in First Train Over 14th St. Line to Brooklyn. – Looks like this “Fourteenth Street-Eastern District subway,” which ran from 6th Avenue and 14th Street in Manhattan to Montrose and Bushwick Avenues, was the first manifestation of today’s storied L line. New York Mayor Hylan used the opening ceremonies to restate his case for transferring control of New York’s Subways from private companies to a municipal body.

    • GIANTS BEAT ROBINS FOR 12TH TIME, 7-5; Sharp Fielding Behind Nehf and Jonnard and Timely Hitting Result in Victory – The Giants beat writer for the Times remains my favorite of all their baseball reporters. Today he said the Giants “put a horseshoe in the glove yesterday and knocked the Robins to a sitting position for the twelfth time this season,” among other colorful turns of phrase.

    • CALLS LEAGUE PLANK FATAL.; Senator Willis Asserts It and Split Will Defeat Democrats. – The debate over whether to call out the Ku Klux Klan by name in the Democratic platform’s anti-bigotry plank was the convention’s most contentious, but running a close second was the question of whether or not to endorse the League of Nations in the platform. The final platform did not include such language, and I imagine this was a great disappointment to Papa who, like Senator Willis, was a great admirer of Woodrow Wilson’s dedication to the League. Said Willis: “They have kicked the memory of Woodrow Wilson into the discard. They have been forgetful of the memory of Woodrow wilson for expediency’s sake.”
    • PEACE SEEMS NEAR IN GARMENT STRIKE; New Manufacturers’ Exchange Signs an Agreement With Workers. – The Amalgamated Clothing Workers strike that began on June 25th came to an early end as the union won a number of concessions on minimum pay and unemployment insurance. I thought at first that Papa may have been a member of the Amalgamated and therefore sitting out work due to the strike, but I’m sure he would have written something about it.


  • Wednesday July 16

    Had just a little outing
    tonight with friends in C.I.


    Matt’s Notes

    Papa and his friends probably didn’t go swimming on this casual evening excursion to Coney Island. They probably hopped on the ferry or a series of subways from Essex Street to the Brighton Beach line (temperatures were in the high 80’s during the day, so I bet they took the ferry to cool off) hit the Boardwalk, and spent the rest of the evening strolling, chatting, and perhaps noticing women, like these fellows on the left:


    Audio Source: “Coming Home From Coney Isle,” a 1906 recording by Jones and Spencer via

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